Building Jewish Identity Fund
Building Jewish Identity Fund
Finding how Judaism is meaningful, and enhancing emotional connection with other Jews and to the Jewish people, will build and strengthen Jewish Identity
with your help, summer 2020 will have enhanced programs in the areas of:
- Israel
- Meaningful emotional connection to the State of Israel can be built through relationships with Israelis, learning Israel’s history and experiencing Israel’s culture
- Art
- As an expression of Jewish values – making sacred ritual objects or using art to interpret our shared Jewish values helps campers to explore Judaism and find their own meaning in being Jewish.
Consider the impact of your gift:
- $3,600 Sponsors the Art Director for Summer 2020
- $2,500 Sponsors an Israeli on staff for Summer 2020
- $1,200 Provides all supplies for an all-camp Israeli Master Chef program
- $600 Supplies clay and other materials for our ceramics program
- $180 Supplies paint and other materials for our on-going mural project
- Gifts of any amount are deeply appreciated