Home   2013   Utah? But LTP is Taller…..

Utah? But LTP is Taller…..

LTP is back! Did you miss us? After 5 life-changing (non-showering) days in Moab, Utah, we are back and smelling like a fresh dumpster. The first day of our trip started with a beautiful water hike through a stream filled with dirt and craw fish. Shortly following, we headed to a park for a picnic lunch packed with music, laughter, and BBQ. The next day we went to town with loaded pockets and left with empty pockets, full stomachs, and shopping bags. Later that day we took a three-mile hike to a cliff which we repelled down. We also got the amazing IMG_5536opportunity to repel down the sixth largest arch in the world! It was scary at first, but it was easy to get used to and in the end we had a blast. Last, but not least, we ended our trip with white water rafting! There were about eight campers per raft with one counselor and one guide. We floated for about 9 miles to a rockin’ restaurant with grilled cookies and burgers. So delish! That night we were taken by extreme surprise… as soon as we got back to the campsite, it was completely rained and hailed out! We were struck! Literally (by hail)! We ended up packing all of our soaked belongings and rushed to the Moab Valley Inn! Party! Just kidding, we were all exhausted and fell right to sleep. The following morning we ate a continental breakfast and then began our 8 hour long journey back home to Camp Stein!

Overall, we had such a great time. As a unit we learned bonding skills, how to work together under pressure, and how to make the best of any situation. It was truly unforgettable.


Lilly Berg and Talia Boninger


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